M A Bramer, University of Portsmouth, UK
Technical StreamBest Refereed Technical Paper (sponsored by Hewlett-Packard Ltd.)
Verification of Medical Guidelines using Task Execution
with Background Knowledge
Hommersom, Arjen, Groot, Perry and Lucas, Peter (University of Nijmegen, NL),
Balser, Michael and Schmitt, Jonathan (University of Augsburg, DE)
A Decision Tree-Based Attribute Weighting Filter for
Naive Bayes
Hall, M. A. (University of Waikato, NZ)
Initialization method for grammar-guided genetic programming
Garcia-Arnau, Marc, Manrique, Daniel, Rios, Juan and Rodriguez-Paton, Alfonso
(U. Politecnica Madrid, Spain)
On-Line Monitoring of Plan Execution: a Distributed Approach
Micalizio, Roberto, Torasso, Pietro (Universita' di Torino, Italy)
A Reusable Commitment Management Service using Semantic
Web Technology
Preece, Alun D, Chalmers, Stuart and McKenzie, Craig (University of Aberdeen,
Using AI and Semantic Web Technologies to attack Process
Complexity in Open Systems
Thompson, Simon G, Giles, Nick, Gharib,Hamid, Li, Yang and Nguyen, Thuc D
Best Refereed Application Paper
Managing restaurant tables using constraints
Vidotto, Alfio and Brown, Kenneth N (University College Cork, Ireland) and Beck,
J Christopher (University of Toronto, Canada)
Use of Data Mining Techniques to Model Crime Scene Investigator
Adderley, Richard (A E Solutions (BI), UK), Bond, John (Northamptonshire Police,
UK), Townsley, Michael (University College London, UK)
Bringing Chatbots into Education: Towards Natural Language Negotiation of Open Learner Models Kerly, Alice L (University of Birmingham), Hall, Phil D (Elzware Limited), Bull, Susan (University of Birmingham)
Domain Dependent Distributed Models for Railway Scheduling
Salido, Miguel A., Abril, Montserrat, Barber, Federico, Ingolotti, Laura, Tormos,
Pilar and Lova, Antonio (Universidad Politecnica de Valencia, Spain)
Automatic Species Identification of Live Moths: A Case
Study in Practical Data Mining
Mayo, Michael (University of Waikato, New Zealand) and Watson, Anna T.
Sass Applied To Optimum Work Roll Profile Selection In
The Hot Rolling Of Wide Steel
Nolle, Lars (Nottingham Trent Uni, UK)