M A Bramer, University of Portsmouth, UK
Technical StreamBest Refereed Technical Paper
A Resource Limited Artificial Immune System for Data Analysis
Jon Timmis, University of Kent and Mark Neal, University of Wales, Aberystwyth
A machine learning algorithm inspired by the natural immune system
An Instance-Based Approach to Pattern Association Learning with Application to the English Past Tense Verb Domain
Ray J Hickey, Richard G Martin, School of Information and Software Engineering, University of Ulster
An instance based learning algorithm based on example distance and attribute weighting
Container Stowage Pre-Planning: Using Search to Generate Solutions. A Case Study
I D Wilson, P A Roach, J A Ware, School of Technology, University of Glamorgan
A computer system that generates solutions to the stowage pre-planning problem
Grouping Multivariate Time Series Variables: Applications to Chemical Process and Visual Field Data
Allan Tucker, Stephen Swift, Nigel Martin, Xiaohui Liu, Dept of Computer Science, Birkbeck College, University
of London
The use of evolutionary computation techniques to find an approximate solution to a NP-hard problem
Incremental Footprint-Based Retrieval
Barry Smyth, Elizabeth McKenna, Dept of Computer Science, University College Dublin
A new algorithm for case retrieval in case-based reasoning systems
Formal Concept Analysis as a Support Technique for CBR
Belen Diaz-Agudo, Pedro A Gonzalez-Calero, University of Madrid
Using Galois lattices and Formal Concept Analysis to support case based reasoning application designers
Designing for Scalability in a Knowledge Fusion System
Alun Preece, University of Aberdeen, Alex Gray, Philippe Marti, Cardiff University
Features of the KRAFT architecture designed to support scalability
Best Refereed Application Paper
An Expert System for the Composition of Formal Spanish Poetry
P Gervas, Universidad Europea - CEES, Madrid, Spain
A system which composes formal Spanish poetry
A Data Mining Approach to the Prediction Of Corporate Failure
Feng Yu Lin and Sally McClean, Faculty of Informatics, University of Ulster at Coleraine
Predicts corporate failure at one year before bankruptcy
Smart Radio - Building Music Radio On The Fly
C Hayes, P Cunningham, Computer Science Dept, Trinity College Dublin
The Application of Artificial Neural Networks to Anticipate the Average Journey Time of Traffic in the Vicinity
of Merges
Mehdi Fallah-Tafti, Cardiff School of Engineering, The University of Wales
Keeps average journey times of vehicles close to their desired value
Tiger with model based diagnosis: initial deployment
R Milne and C Nicol, Intelligent Applications Ltd, and L Trave-Massuyes, Intelligent Control Systems Group, LAAS-CNRS
Describes recent additions to this gas turbine fault diagnosis system