M A Bramer, University of Portsmouth, UK
Technical StreamBest Refereed Technical Paper (sponsored by Hewlett-Packard Ltd.)
Covering the Path Space: A Casebase Analysis for Mobile Robot Path Planning
M Kruusmaa (Tallinn Technical University, Estonia) and J Willemson (Tartu University,
A Rough Set Model with Ontological Information for Discovering Maximal Association
Rules in Document Collections
Yaxin Bi, Terry Anderson and Sally McClean (University of Ulster)
Facilitating DL-Based Hybrid Reasoning with Inference Fusion
Bo Hu, Inés Arana (Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen) and Ernesto Compatangelo
(University of Aberdeen)
Genetic Algorithm Hybridized with Ruin and Recreate Procedure: Application
to the Quadratic Assignment Problem
Alfonsas Misevicius (Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania)
Personalized Information Ordering: A Case Study in Online Recruitment
Keith Bradley and Barry Smyth (University College Dublin)
A Polynomial Algorithm for Continuous Non-binary Disjunctive CSPs
Miguel Salido and Federico Barber (Universidad Politécnica de Valencia,
Best Refereed Application Paper (sponsored
by InferMed Ltd.)
Knowledge-based Systems for Marking Professional IT Skills Examinations
Stewart Long and Roy Dowsing (University of East Anglia) and Patrick Craven
(OCR Examinations)
A Knowledge Based Genetic Algorithm Approach to Automating Cartographic Generalisation
J M Ware, Ian Wilson and J A Ware (University of Glamorgan)
GA-based Heuristic Algorithms for Bandwidth-delay-constrained Least-cost Multicast
A T Haghighat (Atomic Energy Organization of Iran), K Faez, A Mowlaei and Y
Ghahremani (Amirkabir University of Technology, Iran) and M Dehghan (Iran Telecommunications
Research Center)
Extracting Relational Facts for Indexing and Retrieval of Crime-Scene Photographs
Katerina Pastra, Horacio Saggion and Yorick Wilks (University of Sheffield)
CBR Based System for Forecasting Red Tides
Florentino Fdez-Riverola (University of Vigo, Spain) and Juan Corchado (University
of Salamanca, Spain)
Intelligent Data Analysis for Conservation: Experiments with Rhino Horn Fingerprint
Rajan Amin (Zoological Society of London), Max Bramer (University of Portsmouth)
and Richard Emslie (African Rhino Specialist Group, South Africa)