Honorary Secretary 2019-2022 of IFIP, the
International Federation for Information Processing (https://ifip.org)
Vice-President 2013-2019
Elected member of IFIP Board 2008-14
Executive Committee member 2013-present
Awarded IFIP Silver Core 2010 for services to the Federation
Chair of IFIP Technical Committee 12 (Artificial Intelligence)
2003-9, Vice-chair 2009-2015 and UK Representative since 1998.
Chair of Working Group 12.5 (Artificial Intelligence Applications) 2003-2009
Member of International Program Committees for IFIP World
Computer Congresses WCC 2004, WCC 2006, WCC 2008, WCC 2010 and WCC 2012
Programme Chair for AIAI-2004, AIAI-2006, AIAI-2008 and
Chair of IFIP Admissions Committee, Statutes and Bylaws Committee, Membership
and Marketing Committee and
IFIP Website Task Force
Member of IFIP Activity Management Board and Finance Committee
Formerly member of IFIP Technical Assembly, Publications Committee and Marketing Committee
Formerly Series Editor for the IFIP AICT (Advances in Information and
Communication Technology) series of books, published by Springer