Max Bramer

Professor Max Bramer

Emeritus Professor of Information Technology, University of Portsmouth, UK
Honorary Secretary, International Federation for Information Processing
Chair, British Computer Society Specialist Group on Artificial Intelligence

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Max Bramer

Other Professional Activities Include

  • Member of the editorial board of the journal Knowledge Based Systems for over 10 years
    An international, interdisciplinary and applications-oriented journal on KBS
  • Member of the General Assembly of EurAi, the European Association for Artificial Intelligence.
The European Association for Artificial Intelligence EurAI (formerly ECCAI) was established in 1982 as a representative body for the European AI community. Its aim is to promote the study, research and application of Artificial Intelligence in Europe.
  • Formerly member of the Steering Committee for the joint EPSRC/DTI/CAA Programme of Research in Flightdeck IT for Enhanced Safety
  • Formerly member of the Network of Experts in Knowledge-Based Systems
IJCAI-05 was hosted by SGAI, The Specialist Group on Artificial Intelligence in its 25th anniversary year. IJCAI is the premier world AI conference. It returned to Britain in 2005 for the first time since 1971.
The IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM) provides a premier international forum for the sharing of original research results and innovative, practical development experiences among researchers and application developers from different data mining related areas such as machine learning, automated scientific discovery, statistics, pattern recognition, knowledge acquisition, soft computing, databases and data warehousing, data visualization, and knowledge-based systems. ICDM is held annually, in different regions of the world.